Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Top Ten Popular Chinese Words for Sports (2010 Edition)

1. 大满贯(dàmănguàn) Grand slam
2. 蝉联(chánlián) To defend one's title successfully
3. 拉拉队(lālāduì) Cheering squad
4. 菜鸟(càiniăo) Newbie or novice
5. 乌龙球(wūlóngqiú) Own goal
6. 爆冷门(bàolěngmén) To have an unexpected winner
7. 翻盘(fānpán) To turn defeat into victory
8. 东道主(dōngdàozhŭ) Host
9. 黑马(hēimă) Dark horse
10. 力挺(lìtĭng) To support strongly

Top Ten Popular Chinese Words for Entertainment (2010 Edition)

1. 大片(dàpiānr) A high budget blockbuster movie
2. 新秀(xīnxiù) Up-and-coming youngster
3. 淡出(dànchū) To fade out
4. 八卦(bāguà) Gossip
5. 绯闻(fēiwén) Pink news/Love affair
6. 狗仔队(gŏuzăiduì) Paparazzi
7. 大腕(dàwànr) Big shot
8. 炒作(chăozuò) To hype
9. 粉丝(fěnsī) Fans
10. 火(huŏ) Hot

Top Ten Popular Chinese Words for Relationships (2010 Edition)

1. 我爱你(wŏ ài nĭ) I love you
2. 红颜知己(hóngyánzhījĭ) Female soul mate
3. 热恋(rèliàn) Head over heels in love
4. 吃软饭(chīruănfàn) A male who lives on the earnings of a
5. 早恋(zăoliàn) Puppy love/Falling in love at an early age
6. 第三者(dìsānzhě) Someone who is in an adulterous
relationship with a married man or woman
7. 暗送秋波(ànsòngqiūbō) Secretly to cast flirtatious looks at
8. 异地恋(yìdì liàn) Long-distance relationship
9. 来电(láidiàn) To click with someone/have sparks
10. 相思(xiāngsī) Miss each other

Top Ten Popular Chinese Words on Campus (2010 Edition)

1. 牛(niú) Excellent
2. 校花(xiàohuā) School beauty
3. 翘课(qiàokè) To skip school
4. 放鸽子(fànggēzi) To fail to keep an appointment
5. 挂科(guàkē) To fail an exam
6. 兼职(jiānzhí) Part-time job
7. 重修(chóngxiū) To take a course again
8. 吹牛(chuīniú) Brag and boast
9. 忽悠 (hūyou) Hoodwink
10. 学妹(xuémèi) Younger female schoolmate or alumna

Top Ten Popular Chinese Words for Internet (2010 Edition)

1. 雷(léi) To shock
2. 山寨(shānzhài) Shanzhai
3. 啃老族(kĕnlăozú) Parent-dependent adults
4. 草根(căogēn) Grass roots
5. 断背(duànbèi) Brokeback
6. 月光族(yuèguāngzú) Moonlight group
7. 宅(zhái) To stay at home all day
8. 房奴(fángnú) Mortgage slave
9. 闪(shăn) To act quickly
10. 秀(xiù) Show

Top Ten Popular Daily Chinese Words (2010 Edition)

1. 我的神啊! (wŏ de shén a) My god!
2. 做东(zuòdōng) Act as a host
3. 低调(dīdiào) Keep a low profile
4. 炒鱿鱼(chăo yóuyú) To fire somebody
5. 抬杠(táigàng) To argue for the sake of arguing
6. 拍马屁(pāimăpì) Kiss up to someone
7. 物质(wùzhì) Materialistic
8. 靠谱(kàopŭ) Reliable/To be trusted
9. 吃醋(chīcù) To be jealous
10. 厚道(hòudao) Honest, kind and decent

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chinese Input Method 2

How to Read and Type Chinese Characters on Your Computer and

Chinese Character Input Methods

Chinese Input Method 1

This tool allows you to enter Chinese character by writing it on the screen with the mouse cursor. Very usefull when to check a character you don't know the pinyin.

Measure Word for animals/books/persons

How to make a Rabbit?

Chinese New Year Vocabularies

What is your Chinese Zodiac?

Here are two sentence patterens are what we have practiced in the class.You can chose different modle to practice at home.Enjoy!

Chinese New Year